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VNNVulture News Network
Thanks to Thievin, the payments on 50% of mortgages will go up over the next 3 years. No one surprised.
The government is being faced with pressures of reality to put back a stoopid target for banning the sale of hybrid vehicles.
ThievinLord Alli has been commanded to buy some specs for Thievin Reeves to find out if actually being able to see the books she keeps failing to cook will make a difference to her currently piss-poor performance in the office of Chancellor.
Pal Pals invade a service in a Catholic cathedral on a Sunday. Just ill-mannered scum. Won't achieve anything other than destroying even more tolerance of their cause. Get bloody lost.
Afraid that assisted dying could becomes possible, our wonderful government is already claiming that it will cost the NHS millions and dropping hints about sticking the customers with a bill because clinics in Switzerland do it.

markerLots of armed police on show
Islamist terrorists are doing their best to make Xmas markets a thing of the past. So much for multi-bloody-culturalism. No concessions to them. Ever.

kreepy pantzBier Smarmer has gone soft on deporting foreign criminals. Labour apologists are claiming the Home Office doesn't have enuff staff, which is bollocks. The snivellers are about as much use as chocolate teapots. Less, in fact, as you can eat the chocolate of a teapot.
   We're also being told there aren't enuff lawyers. More bollocks. The bastards are too busy stuffing our cash into their pockets to get anything useful done.
reader comment“Maybe we need to introduce ritual cannibalism of a particularly useless chocolate teapot pour encourager les autres.” Gordon Ordinaire

hippomarkerAlibi box now empty
According to Labour's apologists, the party put so much effort into the election that it didn't have time to come up with a plan for government.
   Which Xplains why the manifesto was lies from start to finish and why Thievin Reeves came up with a 'fully costed' spending plan which was dimissed as garbage when Treasury minions got a chance to inspect it.
   Hence the Reeves piece of fiction about a £22 BILLION Brown Hole in the accounts. Which was also dismissed by the Treasury & Office for Notional Sadistics mobs as yet more garbage.
reader comment“And why Thievin ended up having to grab £40 BILLION in her budget to fill the Brown Holes the Treasury found in her 'full costed' accounts.” Freddie Knows

Further proof that the minions @ the Home Office are useless—tests to find out if an illegal who claims to be a child really is one are not being done. Apparently, the minions find it easier just to accept whatever unverfied BS they are fed.

markerHi-Tech but not yet
Mercedes is developing a photovoltaic paint system which will power an electric car in a sunny location, and maybe develop a surplus which the customer can use at home. Maybe, possibly, might be available in the 2040s, so don't hold your breath.

    WEEK 1    The Reeves/Smarmer winter cull of pensioners begins . . .

skull 1markerYet more left-wing dumbing down
The Notional Education Union is demanding cuts in the number of school examinations & the scope of the curriculum to increase their members' skiving time & wellbeing. In effect, they want to bin 14 years of Tory efforts to make exams harder & their results more worthwhile.

bacterThe watchdog for these things has taken a really close look @ Angular Robot's workers' rights Bill & found it not fit for purpose.
    No one surprised.
   The Bill will cost a lot more than the government's guess of £5 BILLION & reduce jobs & investment, and hand even more power to trade unions for them to abuse.

markerContext Shortfall
Surprise! Putting calorie counts on menus is a total waste of time as the customers have no idea of the significance of the numbers.

Bier O'Tool, who spent 4 years demanding a re-run of the Brexit vote, felt obliged to go on TV to claim that's not the way it works when the recall petition demanding another general election to get it right reached 2.5 million signatures.
   No one impressed by his BS.

long grassmarkerMore fantasies
Labour claims it will make misogyny a crime in new equality laws. Abuse & sexual harassment are the norm in the trade unions that pay labour's way. Will they get a special Xception from any law? Or will the ishue just vanish into the long grass like all the other stuff that labour has already droppd?
   No prizes for predicting the right answer.

markerDistinctly wobbly rules
The evidence of the last 5 months is that the 20% of the electorate who voted Labour were offered a false prospectus. Something O'Tool was claiming about the Brexit vote when yelling for 4 years that the nation was entitled to a ‘People's Vote' second opinion.
   Under O'Tool Rules, the false prospectus argument applies in spades to the general election. But also under O'Tool Rules, if the rule is inconvenient to O'Tool, he can sit on his arse & whistle & claim it never Xisted.

markerDouble Test
The case brought by the organization For Women Scotland over whether a piece of paper turns a man into a woman provides an interesting test for the five High Court judges in charge of the case.
   Any who go along with the proposition that a piece of paper sets aside the Equality Act & provides men with access to female-only spaces will lay the judge(s) involved open to a charge of being unfit for purpose and deserving to be sacked on the spot.

Take One
raspThe Financial Conduct Authority has fined Barclay's bank £40 MILLION for not getting involved in the Brown Bust of 2008 when the rest of the major banks went bankrupt after making totally ludicrous 'investments' in the US sub-prime mortgages scam and became a drag on the taxpayer. Which Barclays didn't.
Take Two
MPs, who know about such things, have branded the FCA opaque, incompetent & dishonest. No bluddy wonder!

O-BummerThe Thievin Budget affects businesses with a high ratio of female staff disproportionately. Hairdressers will be particularly badly hit. Grounds for prosecuting Thievin under the Equalities Act?

COMMENTWhen MPs go on about a slippery slope, is that doubt that the House will be able to frame a new law that's fit for purpose or certainty that those charged with administering the new law will make a bog of the process?

hippomarkerRoutine Hippocrisy
When Tory ministers used a helicopter to go somewhere, Labour stooges called them out of touch. Which no longer seems to matter now that Smarmer's Army is using RAF & Navy aircraft to gad about.

They used to be trying to talk up World War Three but newspaper alarmists have switched to a new tack. Now, they're agitating for a Great Global Depression caused by President Trump's sabre-rattling over tariffs.

whistleBogged it up, but then he would
Bier O'Tool is having to reset his plans for government after a disastrous start in office.
   His big problem is that he's not a leader and he's not an ideas man. In Opposition, his ‘plan' was always to yell for the opposite of what the government was doing. Lacking this directional force, he is now floundering around. And doesn't it show.

SherieSherie zooms back with spot-on views
reader comment“Her Cabinet colleagues don't believe Thievin when she sez she won't be back with more tax rises. So why should the rest of us?” Con Fecter
reader comment“The boss of the viper's nest of bullying that is the GMB union is claiming he's building a better workplace. For masochists?” Drear Smarmer
reader comment“Does anyone have any spare ideas? Imaginary Reeves from Complaints is remarkably short of them.” Phil Chard
reader comment“When the recall petition about the general election has run its course we should definitely have another about our prime monster. He should be obliged to change his name from Bier to Drear as he is one of the most miserable and droning pieces of uselessness imaginable.” Dr. Alucard

markerWhere's a good place to look for animal rights terrorist bomber fugitives from the USA? Wales seems to be a refuge of choice.

Jist AskinAre we deluding ourselves with false Xpectations? Bier O'Tool & his gang are full of tales of what they plan to do. But when it comes to getting anything done, nothing.
   What we need to do is put benefit of the doubt on hold and not believe any of the wild claims until we get action.

ThievinAd Attack

Menatti™ for Confidence
Herbal, safe, effective
Do you want to go through life feeling certain that you are always right?
Ad AttackDo you want the ability to lie with the fluency and relentless confidence of our truth averse Chancellor?
Let us help you to be better than you!
Romiley Advanced Pharma, 32 Riverside Drive

Green Bay PackersThe Packers hosted the Miami Dolphins on the Friday of Week 13
The Fish bogged a punt reception in the 2nd minute, GB up close, on to a TD for Reed. Another GB TD; Jacobs from the MD 1 with a minute left in Q1, 0-14.
   Red zone for the Fins in Q2, just a FG from it in the 7th minute, 3-14. Crunch! a sack forced an MD punt as the half ran out. Another TD for Reed, 3-21. After stopping the Dolphins, the Pack had enuff time to get into FG range. 3-24.
   Another FG for GB half way through Q3, 3-27. Finally, the Fins got their act together, TD in the 13th minute, +2, 11-27. 4th & goal from the GB 1, sack the MD QB! 40 yards to the red zone for GB, stopped @ the MD 1, FG, 11-30 after 10 minutes.
   The Fins got close, TD for Hill, catching a tipped pass with 3 minutes left, no +2, 17-30. Another sack for GB, no more scoring.

Be AdvisedIf you don't go to bed @ the same time each night, you will have a stroke, heart failure or a heart attack, according to the Xperts @ what looks like the UK Bloback to careless readers. Or maybe all 3! HAND!

Reeves fails credibility test. No one surprised.

bulletSmartitude: A pertinent question for our local MP, L. Smart, to ask Thievin about her WFA theft went off by email 11 weeks ago. Nuffink back since the routine automatic acknowledgement. So much for all the boasts about service from out Trivial Democraps, who are as useless as Labour.

markerThe Milipede Heat Pump Scam
rat'sInstallation grant £7,500
Plus £32,000 coughed up by the customer.
Plus £15,000 for A-rated new windows
Plus £2,700 for cavity wall insulation.
   Only a total twat like Milipede could think that's reasonable or affordable.
New gas boiler = £2,500 and electricity is 4x the price of gas. Also, heat pumps get noisier the older they get.

Far Queue symbolPixie ‘she's talking' Balls, our apology for a Home Sec., delivers wibble about the Rwanda plan, which Labour has wrecked in order to waste £700 million of our money. No one impressed.

look bothmarkerA whole crew of them
It's not just our Chancellor who's a fantasist. We have an Energy Sec. who doesn't get that blowing BILLIONs of our cash will have Nett Zero effect on the global climate. And then there's the PM who thinks leaders of major countries listen to him and take any notice of his wibble.

bulletToday’s Definition:
Politician: someone who thinks the truth is an optional extra.

VNNmarkerThis is selfishness on steroids
There is a tremendous amount of control freakery going on around the assisted dying ishue. The control freaks, who are not affected directly, are squatting on the sidelines, yelling this shouldn't happen coz it will upset them.
   And they Xpect those at the sharp end of the ishue to push off or drop dead to avoid upsetting the CFs.

markerDo as we do or go
It is not the British way to force those who find the religious practices of others weird, amusing or actually repellent to refrain from commenting on them and criticising them. And those who can't accept this are invited to leave our overcrowded island and go somewhere that suits them better.

The incoming Labour government was told in July that its crazy EV targets will cost jobs. Labour didn't listen, Vauxhall closes a factory in Lution, 1,100 jobs gone up in smoke. How's that growing the economy?

markerBier Smarmer swore blind that we wouldn't have to change our lifestyle to meet his Nett Zero targets. Guess what? He was lying again.

Z markerCarlsberg (foreign) is binning 11 classic British beers & closing or selling breweries. Another sign of the rush of foreign investment into the UK which Labour thinks is happening?

bacterWhat's Bier O'Tool going soft on this week? The Islamists are at work on him for a blasphemy law which would legitimize murderous assaults like the one on the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in France.
London's Sadgeek Mayor (Labour) is giving Tube train drivers & other staff a double inflation pay rise.

markerLet there be wibble in abundance
"Decarbonization cannot mean deindustrialization," said J. Reynolds, Business Sec. Apart from the 1,100 jobs shed by Vauxhall in Luton for starters.
"Debolluxization of Labour party politicians cannot mean the introduction of good sense."

THRUSH symbolmarkerIncluding carbon emissions from manufacturing as well as those during life on the roads, driving an EV 124,000 miles provides a mere 15% of emissions savings if you really push the calculations to their dodgy limit.

markerEx-Gov. of the Bonk of England M. Carney has been accused of falsely bigging up the ‘economist' reputation of Thievin Reeves in search of a gong or even a peerage. Which Xplains a lot.

reader comment“It's inevitable Beer jerked the wrong knee when he said he'd slap the cuffs on B. Ne10yahoo if the Israeli fugitive from the courts ever dares to show his face here. France, Germany & the rest of Europe would just ignore him as Israel isn't in the ICC club. Some 'leaders' have an amazing talent for picking the wrong option every time.” Cann Aleko

markerFormer Tory leader ‘beery' Billy Hague has been elected Chancellor of Oxford University, where he did his degree course, on an agenda of restoring free speech & swatting the cancel culture, which has contaminated so badly, the reputation of a formerly respected academic institution.

THRUSH symbolbulletToday’s Question:
Are leaders of other nations impressed by being preached at by what they know is a clueless bloke in a charity shop suit?

markerIf you want to get away with not paying Council Tax, a good idea is to be a Labour councillor. Works quite well in Scotland.

floodmarkerJust an alibi
Is the weather getting wetter? Or are floods becoming more devastating because local councils & government agencies can't be arsed to build & maintain adequate flood defences and get rivers dredged so they can take more water to the sea?

reader comment“When we look at our PM, wot do we see? A leader who is full of ideas for getting useful things done? Or a useless, lying bastard in a charity shop suit? Is it not totally outrageous that we have to ask questions like that about the bloke who's supposed to be in charge of our government?” Onyer Byke

Far Queue symbolThe inmates of the Office for Notional Sadistics should be in line for massive pay cuts for incompetence after the dolts ‘working' there got the net migration figure for 2021-23—bodies in minus bodies out—wrong by

markerThe latest government sabotage plan to frustrate the assisted dying Bill is to talk it up as unaffordable.
reader comment“No surprise that the infallible Beer O'Tool isn't saying if he's for or against the Bill in case he gets it wrong.” S.C. Eptic

crosseyed The legal departsments of train companies are staffed by useless lumps who went after 29,000 fare dodgers over the last 4 years. But they used the wrong law to get them fined.
   All the fines have now been cancelled in a lump. And there are thousands of other cases in the same box.

raspmarkerThe rules? Sod them
Under Labour rules, if a Labour local council had thrown the customers' cash away recklessly, it will be able to shove up its Council Tax rate by more than the cap of 5% without holding a referendum in order to continue on its merry & profligate way.

markerLabour has imported 20,000 boat people migrants since the election.
So that's even more of our cash down one of Bier's drains.

B2BFrench parliament bins Bollocks To Barnier
Making the former EFU Brexit saboteur Bollocks to Barnier the prime monster of France was a desperation move by President MacRon. No surprise that the government has now collapsed after a vote of no confidence in B2B's budget. Trying to cut public spending & raise taxes was never going to work in a country which thinks 62 is a reasonable retirement age.

BTWIn opposition, one of the many things Bier O'Tool was swearing blind about was that he would freeze Council Tax. No suprise that it was yet another of his lies.

O-BummerA recently retired boss of the supermarket chain Asda has been awarded an Bleedin' Obvious Banana for pointing out that the Labour party doesn't get business. [Mainly because none of them has ever had a proper job. Ed]
   Tell us something we don't know, mate!

bulletLabour's jobs tax is forecast to kill off 130,000 jobs. Wot economic growth?

Z markerAustralia is getting close to a ban on access to the interweb libel lounges for the under-16s. And the imposition of stonking fines on operators which fail to deny kids access.

markerAs usual, sold in the direction of out
Bier Smarmer is getting ready to hand the Elgin Marbles to the Greek government for his own twisted pleasure. Will they join the rest of the Parthenon frieze? No, the Greeks let them decay to rack & ruin, and the section in the British Museum survives only because Lord Elgin (Brititish) saved it.
   This is part of a global left-wing & woke attempt to erase every benefit our country has ever given to the world.
reader comment“Don't you just wish we had a government which appreciated the Britisch and our contribution instead of doing grovelling apologies for everything brilliant that we've done?” Toole O'Bier
reader comment“What part is the Britisch Museum's chairman, George '15 Jobs' Osborne, playing in all this? He doesn't Xactly have a wonderful record for doing the right thing.” Holly Day

GrrrrmarkerWhere’s the Jackal when you need him?
There's a Xmas tree in Downing Street next to Bier's front door paid for out of the winter fuel cash Smarmer & Thievin stole from pensioners. Nothing like rubbing it in, eh?
   On second thoughts, the Jackal might as well have a day off as a replacement PM would be just another useless, lying nasty bastard if it's another lof the current Labour crew.

markerKindergarten treatment
The management of Cambridge University thinks its customers are such useless pieces of dross that they need posters to tell them how to use staircases.
   The instructions include both orders not to use pocket phones on stairs and QR codes for kids not allowed to use a phone to scan if they want to report a staircase disaster near-miss to nanny.

markerOur judges are now trying to shove being unable to get what a foreigner with a strong accent is saying into the rachelism Brown Hole. Wot next?

markerPillock Parade
bugThe biggest problems with the assisted dying Bill remain the competence, of doctors & judges, doubts about the ability of Parliament to create a 'fit for purpose' legal framework & the Xclusion of people who would benefit from the legal umbrella because they are unable to self-administer the poison.
   Apart from that, everything's fine.

Bier’s BS Reset
Smarmer is wall to wall problems but the worst of them; worse even than the cluelessness & dishonesty, is he's not a leader. He couldn't lead a gang of lemmings over a cliff.
   Bier also thinks that offering milestones with nothing carved on them to tell you how far you've come and how far you still have to go is a great idea. [One he snaffled from Edstone Milipede? Ed.]
   One bright note is that there will be no Xmas Special from Smarmer as all he can do is dull & boring and we get that all the year round.

raspOnly cosmetic
Bier Smarmer's New Plan for Change doesn't include doing anything about migration, legal & illegal, which is being taken as an actual admission of cluelessness. And if there is any change, it won't happen until well into next year.
   A reason has emerged for why Smarmer is doing nothing about migration. Apparently, he thinks controlling it is rachelist—which is total BS. But what else do you Xpect from him?

markerGo Lindt, Go Skint!
An advent calendar packed full of chocolates & gifts looks enormously dear @ £180, even though it's five feet tall. The rip hurtles in the direction of off when the contents are priced.
   You get £92.40 worth of stuff if bought individually. Which puts the price of the box @ £87.60. Farqqq!

boot2 BiersBier Smarmer is also getting a booting for knowing all about red-mop Haigh's criminal record (spent) when he made her Transport Sec. He had known about it for 4 years.
What to do when the (spent) conviction made the news? Being Bier, he came up with a lie about 'new informatioon'. 'Coz that's the sort of fraud he is.
Haigh also gets a booting for being a casual fraudster. Which, paradoxically, makes her a fitting member of a government which is based on fraud.
Jaguar, which got a booting for doing an ad with no cars, now has a concept car. Not one anyone can buy though until at least 2026, when they start building EVs. So still no actual car yet.

markerPay of the back sort
One beneficiary of the shambles O'Tool made of the Haigh Affair is President Boris, who can stick a knife in the PM over yet another episode of hypocrisy, fuelled by memories of Boris getting a fine for birthday cake that never came out of the box during lock-in and Smarmer being allowed to get away with boozing all over the country by left-wing police farces.

markerElectricity & water do not mix!
There is speculation about why the newly installed EV chargers @ the Esso station in Romiley are still off limits. The most obvious Xplanation is a need to build an awning of some sort over the bay.
   Plugging cables for a 150 KW system into chargers & vehicles whilst it's pissing down with rain sounds like a good way to get dead in a hurry.

markerThe boss of M16 reckons he's never seen the world in a more dangerous state. Maybe the bloke needs to get out more.

markerThe notorious Globet Rotter
The public perception is that every time Bier O'Tool goes on one of his foreign jaunts, any deal he makes will be bad for Britain. Not that such a trivial quibble will keep Bier from his freebies.

ice fishingBelow the line mission statement: Some of this is true, maybe, but probably not the parts that seem most real and most likely as we use current standards of elasticity where facts are concerned.
   We are constantly exposed to dodgy conclusions drawn from dodgy data by jumped-up 'experts', especially the ones found in the world of politics and particularly those at the Treasury and running trade unions.
   Some of us civilians at BFN like to join in to let them know that anyone can do it and we ain't impressed by their efforts.

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Created for Romiley Anarchists' League by workers in revolt against oppression to set the record straight in the 3rd millennium.
© RAL, December MM24 like anyone cares.