Descending Waves
by Philip H. Turner
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Descending Waves by Philip H. Turnercategory : NOVELS

DESCENDING WAVES is an account of the havoc by accident that accompanies an experiment into altered mental states, during which Steve Oxford, a technician in a university chemistry department, finds himself involved in bizarre adventures.
   His string of totally out-of-character actions includes several quite outrageous practical jokes, the death of the Professor of Chemistry, plotting revenge against a man who killed one of his friends though an act of callous carelessness and offering the freedom of his spare room to the most unlikely member of his circle of acquaintance.
   Oxford also manages to become a suspect for a murder that he did not commit during the course of his unofficial research into the workings of a powerful psychotropic drug.
   He is the archetypal mad scientist in the sense that he is ploughing his lonely furrow with a sense of complete certainty that he is right. Which is how all scientists, mad or not, get themselves into the most trouble.
The story continues in Dark Horses Run Deep

Unabridged edition, 204 pages, 5.7" x 8.5" (145 x 216 mm),
Hardback published by HTSP/Romiley Literary Circle, 1994

Written in 1979/80; time setting: contemporary with writing; place setting: a university in England; 62,000 words

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