On-Line Novels
by RLC Authors

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The Whole of Pass The ParcelThis is a straight adventure story with no other ambitions. Kidnapping, currency fraud and violent death, mainly in France.
Vintage: early 1980s.

The Whole of Night FlowersWritten 50 years before its time, this saga of rebellion, mayhem and refuse recycling has been delighting readers for 30 years. "A vision of an inevitable future . . "


The Whole of Dreamers Of The DayJon A Gored's collision of the Black Magic Rock lifestyle with the benefits of contact with a being from another set of dimensions has been voted 'Best Book of the 20th Century'.
A monumental work!

The Whole of Storm TideWritten by Philip H. Turner in the mid-1980s, the book follows the progress of 2 groups of people -- one group of essential honest (and lucky) citizens and a bunch of crooks looking for inspiration.


The Whole of DoppelgaengerAn historical novel by Henry T. Smith, which is set in Germany in the summer of 1944.
A behind-the-scenes look at life at the very top during World War II.

Robert Arion's 'claustrophobic' novel explores the problems of the small businessman in the 1990s. Also an award winning self-help guide!

 my_destiny MDB

my_destiny.etlDouglas Gramin created this story on the life.etl website as a serial. He just went where the narrative flow took him for 5-6 weeks. Now complete, it charts the thoughts and adventures of journalist and novelist Marin Petronas and his battles with 'The Feck', his regional newspaper's editor.

MDBAngus McBlair's government was about to hold a millennium change junket a year early. Enter the Millennium Dome bomber to fix his wagon! Still growing long after everyone had thought the saga had reached a natural conclusion. WILL THIS STORY EVER GO AWAY?


The Whole of Death In Small CornersWritten and set in the early 1980s, Henry Smith saw this book as an exercise in 'splashing a bit of blood about' to get a publisher's attention. And it worked! Life in the cracks can be tough.

The Whole of Death Is A StrangerThere was something about the central character of DISC which, Henry Smith felt, invited a sequel. This is it. [2 more sequels followed and there's a fifth one still in preparation -- Ed.]

Memories of Prethon
Amarath Prethon assembled this story in the public area of the life.etl website over a period of a year or so. It is in module-form as for the saga of what happened to the Millennium Dome after the Millennium Dome Bomber struck [see above]. The for-print version of the finished novel was retitled Survivors. The theme is survival beyond death and the possibilities attendant on such survival.
Note: this book is not about vampires.

On-Line Works by non-RLC Authors

There used to be fourteen titles in this section, but only one of them is still available: That's FIELD OF REEDS by Andrew Starling.

In Andrew Starling's computer-age tale of technology and violence, a research project has been measuring 'souls' and the unfeeling and deadly Kohl wants the results.
Enter alcoholic Spencer to sort things out.

This and 2 other novels; Pious in the Mornings and Vince's Desire, were available in a range of formats last time we looked.

Early issues of Astounding Science Fiction are available on the Gutenberg.org website in a variety of formats and also on the Internet Archive website [Archive.org] as archive files of size 40-80 megabytes containing scans of the individual magazines from front to back cover.
| 1930 Issues | 1931 Issues | 1932 Issues | 2 Issues from 1933 |
Complete magazines are stored as .cbr [CombiBook Reader] or .cbz archive files. They can be unpacked by changing the file extension .cbr to. rar [or .cbz to .zip] and using WinZip or a file manager which can do the job without the need to change the extension, e.g. Total Commander.

 Some Novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs

This American writer is most famous for his character Tarzan of the Apes but he also wrote science fiction adventures, in which he transported other characters to Mars and Venus. Mr. Burroughs died in 1950 and most of his work is out of copyright and available from the Project Gutenberg websites in the United States and Australia.

John Carter's trips to Mars
A Princess of Mars (1912)
The Gods of Mars (1914)
The Warlord of Mars (1918)
Thuvia, Maid of Mars (1920)
The Chessmen of Mars (1922)
The Master Mind of Mars (1928)
A Fighting Man of Mars (1931)
Swords of Mars (1936)
Synthetic Men of Mars (1940)
Llana of Gathol (1948)
Skeleton Men of Jupiter (1942)

Carson Napier's trips to Venus
   (free ebooks)
Pirates of Venus (1934)
Lost on Venus (1935)
Carson of Venus (1939)
Escape on Venus (1946)

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