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Labour is letting PFI contractors get away with murder

The Labour party wants to raise C-Tax to give more money to local councillors

This accident-prone government wants loads of sensitive data from travellers

brown studiesSoft On CrimeBudget 08

A diary of Brown catastrophes
Bimester #1, June-Dec 2007

Why is the government going even softer on crime?

What 'Him With the Eyebrows' wants us to believe is his work

Hard TimeMigrationSpivs' Charter

Find out how prisons SHOULD be run in a civilized country!

The government's lies about migration EXPOSED!

What top politicians are spending YOUR MONEY on

Le Grand RantMystery ItemMay Day Results

A correspondent gets some things off his chest

Another correspondent with another issue of the day

May Day 2008 local elections – the aftermath PLUS Crewe & Nantwich result

Targets for councilsChip 'n' BinMP Crooks

Labour's new bureaucratic targets for local councils

Pay-as-you-throw for refuse trial – disaster in South Norfolk

Does the punishment really
fit the crime for MPs?

If you have any items of political garbage which deserve a public airing, please email them to garbagegate at