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Peerage Purchase SystemSpeed Camera ProfitsLinks to THOSE cartoons

Titles for sale – but the price needs some work

How much profit are speed cameras making in your area?

Links to the cartoons causing all the fuss in 2006 – and more

A Wake Up!!! callKnighthood Purchase SystemID Alert

Warning of a seasonal scam from 'A Friend'

Sponsor a city academy and get a knighthood – or even more!

The government's real ID card plans – a warning!

Winners & Losers among New Labour donorsParking reformJustice Denied

Who got something decent for bunging New Labour?

Council-run parking rackets – MPs' plans for a clean-up

Under New Labour, judges pass sentences based on politics

NatWest ThreeCover upChip 'n' Bin

They should be tried in the US for Enron-related fraud!

Fingerprints can never lie but fingerprint experts can & do

Weighing bins at the kerb : yet another Stealth Tax coming

Kangaroo Court IVParking PiracyAWC Stinks

The Standards Board : stifling local democracy with a will

Stationary vehicles : just unlimited chances for piracy

Fortnight-old garbage in your bins thanks to New Labour

If you have any items of political garbage which deserve a public airing, please email them to garbagegate at