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3819. Earth Day
Subject: New Earth 2008 Download

Celebrate Earth Day with Google Earth
Earth Day is a time to celebrate gains we have made and create new visions to accelerate environmental progress.

Today and every day is a time to protect our planet. There is no better way to celebrate Earth Day, than to view our beautiful planet with Google Earth.

Go here to watch video

Find your way around town - Search schools, parks, restaurants, & hotels. Also included, driving directions. Searchable geographic maps - Search and then zoom in! Save and share your searches with your family and friends. View in 3D and 2D - View the entire world in 3D! Tilt and rotate 3D terrain and buildings.

Click here to visit site

Search and find different star constellations.
Locate and find comets, asteroids and other heavenly bodies.
A new perspective from our tiny planet.

Enjoy Earth, Go Here

Have a Great Earth Day!

Thank you for your interest,

Steven Johnson
Sales VP

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